The Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund will invest $50 million over five years in movement building for a universal publicly supported care infrastructure that will fuel economies, improve the wellbeing of kids and families, create millions of good jobs, promote equity, and enable people with disabilities and older adults to live independently with safety and dignity.
Why Care - Why Now
Giving and receiving care is deeply personal. It also is foundational for healthy communities and a vibrant economy. At some point in all our lives, we will be caregivers and we will benefit from the care of loved ones and professional care workers.
Yet our public and corporate policies and our society’s devaluing of care make this fundamental act of love and humanity a challenge that families are expected to figure out on their own. It shouldn’t be this hard.
That is why a diverse and growing group of funders are joining forces to build the cohesion, capacity, and power of the care movement to win care for all with respect and equity. We are aligning resources at scale to build the political will for bold public investment in paid family and medical leave, early care and education, aging and disability care, and quality care jobs.
The CARE Fund is a unique philanthropic collaboration focused on improving the livelihoods of paid and unpaid caregivers and the quality of care for all who need it, across generations. We believe such a holistic approach is essential to unraveling the legacies of racism, sexism, ageism, ableism and other oppressions embedded in our care economy.
Anna Wadia: Saving Medicaid – and Our Democracy
We are at a historic and existential moment in our country’s history. The 2025 tax and budget debate will test our country’s values and priorities, determining the kind of society we will live in and how each of us will contribute to its realization. If massive tax cuts for wealthy individuals and corporations are funded by deep cuts and structural changes to vital programs, the impacts will span generations, reversing gains for women, children, older adults, people with disabilities, and workers.